McGranahan Associates Inc.
27016 Knickerbocker Road
Bay Village, Ohio
Lighting Solutions For Any Application
McGranahan has years of experience in the lighting industry. Our skilled Lighting Specialist can offer our clients a "Turn-Key" approach to the their lighting challenges. Or we can simple provide some of the best lighting products at great pricing if that is all you are looking for.
We can start start the process with a comprehensive "Energy Audit". Our skilled staff can create custom lighting layouts that will maximize your energy savings while improving your lighting quality. With our wide selection of lighting technolgies and quality fixtures we can provide a professional installation that will provide your company with years of reliable operation.
The McGranahan team has the know how, the products, and the expertise to provide your company the best possible lighting solution for your specific needs.
Our clients range from large DC's, cold storage warehouses. food processing, machinging & fabricating shops etc...
Our line-up of quality T8, T5, and LED lighting fixtures will be applied to meet your specific needs.
Car Dealers
Exterior Parking & Car Dealership Lighting Applications offer their own specific challenges. In these applications it all comes down to the "security and safety" and/or "Product Presentation".
At McGranahan Associates we can engineer solutions, design layouts, specifiy products, and install/wire our quality products for you anwhere in the USA. We can even offer "Trial Lights" to assure your satisfaction.
Office & Retail
Office and Retail lighting takes a specific level of expertise to get things right.
Every clients needs, enviroment, and budget are different requiring lighting solutions that are not a "Cookie Cutter" ideas. We would rather learn from you, the customer, what your needs and goals are. With that approach we can establish solutions that are going to create Lighting Solutions that will leave us with happy customers. At McGranahan we offer cutting edge LED, T8, and T5 solutions to accomplish our shared goals.
Food Processing
& Specialty
"Demanding"is the best way to describe "Food Processing" lighting applications. At McGranhan Associates we are experienced with challenging lighting applications. What makes these applications tough is the enviroment. When working with our clients we must dertermine if we are dealing with washdown, corrosive cleaners or gases, teperature extremes, dust or abrasives, and/or EIB, FDA, inspections etc... With this information and more we can work with our clients to cater a Lighting Solution that achieves your goals. We offer a complete line of quality LED, T8, T5, and induction fixtures to exceed your expectations.